
The notification endpoint allows you to send notifications to your users.

The notification object

id string

Unique identifier for the notification object.

appUser string

Unique identifier for the application user that the notification was sent to.

isRead boolean

Boolean value indicating whether or not the user has marked the notification as read. Note: this value will only be changed if the notification channel includes in-app.

createdAt datetime

UTC datetime object representing the datetime when the notification object was created.

text string

The rendered text of the notification.

link string

A link which can be used in the Notifly widget to take users to a certain page after clicking on a notification.

bundleSegment string

A string which can be used to have finer grain control over how notifications are bundled.

Send notification


This endpoint allows you to send a notification to a user.


Request Body

	"id": "d0314362-405d-4ab6-b360-b093a8ba79a9",
	"appUser": 1,
	"isRead": false,
	"createdAt": "2020-02-20T13:08:08.148401Z",
	"text": "Hi Joe, thank you for using Notifly in your app.",
	"link": ""

Last updated