If your website is static HTML or otherwise doesn't render the HTML with Javascript – simply copy and paste the following snippet into all pages you want Notifly to appear on. It should be placed right before the </body> tag:
<script> (function(){ w=window;n=w.Notifly=function(){n.q.push(arguments)};n.q=[]; d=document;s=d.createElement("script");s.src="https://app.notifly.io/static/v2/notifly.js";s.async=1;d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); })(); window.Notifly('init', { appId: "<YOUR_NOTIFLY_APP_ID>", authCode: "<USERS_NOTIFLY_HASH>", elementId: "<ELEMENT_ID_FOR_WIDGET_TO_ATTACH_ONTO>", externalId: "<EXTERNAL_USER_ID>" }); </script>
This will render the Notifly icon as soon as the script has been loaded.
Last updated 4 years ago
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